Tree Care Methods for Lychees

A Guide to Lychee Cultivation

Sweet alyssum blossoms make a colorful carpet in the garden. A vegetable garden cannot go wrong with a cool-season perennial that draws ladybugs and hoverflies, friends of a vegetable. Sweet alyssum attracts butterflies and other pollinators to the garden. Sweet alyssum is quite easy to look after, tolerates and even blooms in cool temperatures, and spreads to serve like a mulch for your Lychee trees are better planted at least thirty feet away from your house, other major buildings, or any other trees in your home They can get stunted by being planted too closely, especially if this planting results in shading. Growing it on a raised soil mound will prevent the water from flowing down. Lychees dislike wet feet. Plant a lychee tree in a full-sun location with some wind protection, since this tree is vulnerable to wind. It is advisable to plant after frosts have passed in the spring vegetable garden.

Read on to learn more about lychee tree care:


They like wet conditions but should be adequately watered throughout the year. Specific studies point out that drought stress could be beneficial in the fall or winter and make the bloom better. When you feel the soil is getting dry, water young trees often. Trees that have been there longer can be watered every week.


Lime thrives in full sun, but note that the plants must be hardened for this condition. Exposure to bright light is harmful to young plants that are not adapted to full sun; however, as soon as they get acclimated, they will certainly outperform.

Temperature and Humidity

Lychee surprisingly tolerates the cold and can still stand a short blast of almost nothing below freezing point. For the flowers of lychee to come into bloom they need exposure to low temperatures for 100 hours in winter. The first blossoms will be followed by bud-like fruits, which will ripen in early summer. They thrive under high humidity but will eventually succumb to windy conditions that cause damage to new growth.

Whenever you need a tree care specialist in Greenville, NC, know that Woodward's Tree Service Inc is just a call away! Contact us at (252) 355-1331 today to assist you with all your tree needs.

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